about We are Akila and Patrick. Our minds (and waistlines) expand as we travel, cook, and eat our way around the world with our two dogs.
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tuscany with color
at motovun


I try very hard not to compare and contrast places because, first of all, I believe that every country and city must be understood and explored on its own terms and, second, because comparisons inevitably set us up for disappointments.  But, in this case, I think a comparison is warranted.

Motovun Motovun
Cat in Motovun Motovun

Scenes from Motovun

When Patrick and I drove into central Istria, up to the town of Motovun, the first thing that popped into our mind was, "It's like Tuscany but with color."  And, if you've been to Tuscany, you might understand what I mean --- because Tuscan towns are uniformly golden brown and blend into the vineyards and olive groves, while the Istrian villages are built on the same model as the Tuscan hillside villages but with bright reds, blues, and pinks dotting the golden browns.  And, though I've always been smitten with Tuscany, I think that the Istrian hillside villages could convert me.  Yes, I think I could be very happy spending time here.