about We are Akila and Patrick. Our minds (and waistlines) expand as we travel, cook, and eat our way around the world with our two dogs.
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the butt shot
at kruger

Elephant butt

Elephant butt

We are the animal paparazzi.  We have memory cards filled with posteriors, great and small, from the mammoth elephant to the tiny dikdik, as the animals fled our snapping cameras.  Most people would delete these shots but not us.  The butt shot: totally worth capturing.

Zebra butt Giraffe butts
Zebra butt, giraffe butts

Zebra butts

Zebra butts

Impala butts

Impala butts

Yellow billed hornbill Bird
Guinea fowl

Yellow-billed hornbill tail (remember Zazu from Lion King?), a hen, and guinea fowl

Hippo butts

Hippo butts

Ostrich butt Ostrich butt

Ostrich butt

Rhino butt

Rhino butt

Hippo butts Cheetah butt
Crocodile tail Rhino butt

Hippo, cheetah, crocodile, rhino butts

Giraffe butts


Elephants suckling

Baby elephant suckling from mother

Okay, now that I've got that out of my system, I promise you no more butts (at least for a little while.)