about We are Akila and Patrick. Our minds (and waistlines) expand as we travel, cook, and eat our way around the world with our two dogs.
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painswick rococo gardens
in the cotswolds

Pears at Painswick Rococo

Pears at Painswick Rococo

Hey, lookee here, third week in a row and I'm still going strong on this weekly photo thing.  Really, the issue is that I am so behind.  Right now, my blogging calendar is out to May to get to the point where I am writing about the things I am doing right now.  We're doing too much, seeing too much, and definitely eating too much.  (Someone on the food tour I took today mentioned that she doesn't know how I eat as much as I do and maintain my figure and I refrained from stating: "Simple.  I don't maintain my figure.")

Anyhow, these photos are from the very lovely Painswick Rococo gardens in the Cotswolds, a pretty small garden (though the entrance fee was far too high) with an incredible vegetable and herb garden.

Painswick Rococo Vegetable and Herb Garden

Painswick Rococo 250 years

Apples at Painswick Rococo Flowers
Lilies Pumpkin

Purple flowers

Fake giant mushrooms Vines
Painswick Rococo villa Scenes from Painswick Rococo

Cotswolds Things To Do on raveable

Cotswolds Vacations